

백주영 과장

[전문진료분야] 역류성 식도염, 소화성 궤양, 위염, 위암, 대장용종, 대장암, 변비, 설사, 기능성위장질환, 바이러스성간염, 자가면역간염, 지방간, 간경변, 간암, 소화기내시경, 치료내시경
오전 휴진 휴진 내시경 진료 진료 휴진
오후 휴진 휴진 내시경 진료 휴진 휴진

학력 및 경력

경찰병원 인턴 · 레지던트
분당서울대학교병원 임상강사
서울시립 서북병원 진료과장
(서울대병원 운영)UAE 셰이크칼리파 전문병원(SKSH) 소화기내과 과장

소화기내과 분과전문의
소화기내시경 세부 전문의
아랍에미리트 소화기내과 전문의
아랍에미리트 내과 전문의
Clerkship, Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, New York, USA

​대한내과학회 정회원
대한소화기내시경학회 정회원
대한상부위장관헬리코박터학회 정회원
대한 소화기학회 정회원
영국소화기학회 회원
미국소화기학회 회원
미국내시경학회 회원
유럽내시경학회 회원

- 논문실적

· BH Cha, MJ Park, JY Baeg, S Lee,EY Jeon,  W. Alsalami, O. Idris,YJ Ahn: How often should percutaneous gastrostomy feeding tubes be replaced? A single-institute retrospective study, April 2022, BMJ Open Gastroenterology 9(1)
· BH Cha, MJ Park, JY Baeg, S Lee, YJ Ahn, W Salami, O Idris, DJ Hong, B Kim, HJ Park: The Discrepancy between Gross Features and Chemical Compositions in Gallbladder Stone: A Descriptive Single Center Study in the United Arab Emirates, December 2021, Emirates Medical Journal 02(1)
· HY Jang, GH choi, SH Hwang, ES Jang, J Kim, JM Ahn, Y Choi, JY Choi, H Han, J Lee, JW Chung, JY Baeg, S Jeong: Sarcopenia and visceral adiposity predict poor overall survival in hepatocellular carcinoma patients after curative hepatic resection, February 2021, Translational Cancer Research 10(2):854-866
· Idrids, MJ Park, JY Baeg, S Lee, BH Cha: A Squamous Cell Gallbladder Carcinoma: A Case Report and Literature Review,New Emirates Medical Journal, 2020, Vol 1, No 2.
·      BH Cha, MJ Park, JY Baeg, S Lee: Sa1427 - Alcohol Consumption and the Risk of Gallstone Disease: A Systematic Review with Dose-Response Meta-Analysis of Case-Control and Cohort Studies,AGA ABSTRACTS| VOLUME 154, ISSUE 6, SUPPLEMENT 1, S-301-S-302, MAY 01, 2018
· JY Baeg,IH Kim, SY Seo, YS Kim, EU Jung, J. Cho, JW Chung, ES Jang,JW  Kim, S.Jeong: Prevalence and Incidence of Depression during Interferon-Based Antiviral Therapy in Chronic Hepatitis C Patients in the Republic of Korea, Gut and Liver, Published online March 24, 2017
· Si WG, Chung JW, Cho JH, Baeg JY, Jang ES, Yoon H, Kim JH, Shin CM, Park YS, Hwang JH, Jeong SH, Kim NY, Lee DH, Lim S, Kim JW. Predictors of Increased Risk of Hepatocellular Carcinoma in Patients with Type 2 Diabetes. July 2016, PLoS One 2016 30;11(6) 
· Baeg JY,Shin DH, Shin KS, Kwon MG, Yu CM, Song CM, Bae JY. Case report: Intramuscular Lipoma on the Anterior Chest Wall in a Healthy Young Adult. Med. J CMU 2014, Vol. 39, No. 3, p150-153 
· Sim HH, Kwon NH, Baeg JY, Yun CY, Ahn SM, Oh YM, Kim YJ, Case Report: A concealed Brugada electrocardiogram pattern revealed after administering propafenone to a patient with atrial fibrillation.KCI 2014 Vol.86 No.1 
· Park JH, Kwon NH, Kim JH, KO YJ, Ryu SH, Ahn SJ, Kim YJ, Baeg JY, Kim JI. Prevalence of congenital coronary artery anomalies of Korean men detected by coronary computed tomography.Jan. 2013 Korean Circ J 31;43(1):7-12


역류성 식도염, 소화성 궤양, 위염, 위암, 대장용종, 대장암, 변비, 설사, 기능성위장질환, 바이러스성간염, 자가면역간염, 지방간, 간경변, 간암, 소화기내시경, 치료내시경